Weight Loss Expert Dr. Simeons Discovers New Interpretation of the Nature of Obesity

| December 26, 2011 | 0 Comments

Weight Loss ExpertWeight loss information, pills,potions and how-to guides –to name a few – are rampant all over the internet. It’s my hope this weight loss information does not serve you as another fancy yet shallow interpretation of yet another gimmick. Rather, I hope it serves as a doorway for you into a weight loss world that has changed my life and hundreds of people I’ve helped with their weight loss challenges.

First things first…

If you’re like I was when I stumbled across this weight loss information years, pounds and inches ago you’re likely thinking to yourself, “Who the heck is this Dr. Simeons guy and why should I care?”

It’s a great question. It’s a valid question. In fact, it’s a question worth answering and it’s one worth knowing especially if weight loss is your goal.

For that reason alone I’ve dedicated a portion of my writing (this article and others) to help you clearly understand the weight loss breakthroughs Dr. Simeons discovered during his lifetime of research on the weight loss mystery that plagues so many.

So then, who is Dr. Simeons?

The short version is that he was born in London, England and finished his studies summa cum laude in medicine at the University of Heidelberg.

Following his graduate studies, Dr. Siemons did post-graduate study in Switzerland and Germany. He received an appointment to a surgical hospital in Dresden. One of Dr. Simeons early passions became the study of tropical diseases which led him to the school of Tropical Medicine in Hamburg.

He did a few years of work in Africa before moving to India in 1931 where he would reside for eighteen years. During his work in India Dr. Simeons is known for being awarded the Red Cross Order of Merit for discovering the use of injectable atebrin for malaria.

He’s further known for discovering a new way to stain malaria parasites, which is now called the “Simeons stain.” In the next phase of his life, during the war, Dr. Simeons worked with India’s government where he focused his time researching leprosy control and bubonic plague. One of the significant fruits of Dr. Simeons research led to his building of a model leper colony, which is now an All-India center.

Once India gained its independence Dr. Simeons opened his own private practice in Bombay. Eventually he would move to Rome with his family where he dedicated his time working on psychosomatic disorders until he died in 1970.

And that’s the short, but very significant version of who Dr. Simeons is.

It was important for me to introduce you to Dr. Simeons because of the revolutionary nature of his weight loss discoveries. I want to be certain I’ve established Dr. Simeons credibility with you first so no road blocks exist in your minds path when you begin to understand the gravity of Dr. Simeons discoveries in the weight loss arena.

So then, now onto the topic of weight loss, which I presume is why you’re here in the first place.

Dr. Simeons is well known for his weight loss publication called “Pounds and Inches.” This is a must read if you’re serious about weight loss either for you or someone you know. You can get a FREE instantly downloadable copy of “Pounds and Inches” by visiting the weight loss VIP section of my website.

In this eye opening eBook Dr. Simeons discusses a new interpretation of the nature of obesity. In Dr. Simeons words with regard to his book, “… while it does not advocate yet another fancy slimming diet it does describe a method of treatment which has grown out of theoretical considerations based on clinical observation.”

This significant piece of weight loss literature basically distills the forty years Dr. Simeons wrestled with the fundamental challenges of obesity with regard to its causes, symptoms and nature.

It’s important to note that Dr. Simeons new interpretation is based on thousands of people who he worked with and studied personally.

Dr. Simeons characterizes the buildup of fat in the body as a metabolic disorder which he likens to that of diabetes. He challenged the notion that people are fat because they eat too much. He strongly believed from his research on obesity and weight loss that this assertion was not the entire truth.

Dr. Simeons held to his position that, “… overeating is the result of the disorder, not its cause…”

Doctors from all over the world traveled to Italy to study under Dr. Simeons and learn of his weight loss method first hand. It was one of Dr. Simeons strong convictions that any patient dealing with the obesity disorder who wanted to undergo his weight loss method must take an active role by truly understanding what is being done and why.

Dr. Simeons method is best known as HCG weight loss. I’ve personally worked with hundreds of people who have successfully completed the HCG weight loss method. In fact, dropping ten sizes and losing 72 pounds is very common when working with me.

If you’ve done any extensive research on the subject of  HCG weight loss chances are you’ve crossed paths with skeptics or naysayers of HCG as a weight loss method.

But why?

How do I achieve such amazing results when others swear it doesn’t work?

The answer: Because results can’t be achieved when the weight loss patient isn’t adhering strictly to Dr. Simeons weight loss protocol.

Make no mistake his weight loss protocol is strict, but it works. I’ve tried it successfully three times myself and was successful all three times. As I’ve also mentioned, hundreds of my clients have achieved dramatic results as well.

If you’ve given up on HCG weight loss, had a failed experience, are just skeptical by nature or want to simply speak to an expert in Dr. Simeons protocol then you owe it to yourself to pick up the phone and give me a call. I’ll answer all your questions and make sure you at least have the facts before deciding on a weight loss method that’s best for you.

Our phone number is (516) 697-5560. Make sure to visit us on the web also at TheHCGCoaches.com

Weight loss is a serious undertaking. HCG weight loss is a seriously successful weight loss method when adhered strictly to Dr. Simeons protocol. Make sure to pick up a copy of “Pounds and Inches” for the full story. I’ll be sharing more information on HCG weight loss in future articles.

Filed Under: HCG Weight Loss

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